Peng Seng Doctor Water is geographically presence in Cambodia. Our products also come from Japan, Singapore, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam. We are currently engaged in water-related products and services.
We offer range of products such as: Water Purifier, Water Treatment and all kinds of Water Product. we also install drinking water system for both household and business, water-testing service, and chemical-water changing treatment service.
“Pure water runs life.” At Peng Seng Doctor Water, we invest in the future and well-being of Cambodian people. we believe that a drop of clean and pure water is worth more than anything else. Over the years, we have directly and indirectly impacted urban and rural life through our professional services.
We are glad we are able to increase access to fresh water, educate people about clean water, contribute to community builing through our products and most importantly, provide professional advice related to water purification products.
We are proud of our history but there are still more works to do. Demands in this field continue to rise everyday due to escalation in economic activities, social mobilization, and population growth. Peng Seng Doctor Water is ready for new challenge.
We work hard because we believe we are building a bright future, starting with a drop of clean, pure and fresh water.
Our Mission
– To provide access to fresh, clean and pure water in every corner of Cambodia and to assure a stability in the services, products and livelihood of the citizens in the area that we serve.
Our Vision
– To become a respected leading company in the field of water-related product in Cambodia.
Peng Seng Doctor Water was one of the early change-agents in the industry that addressed an elephant in the room. About a decade ago, field trips across Cambodia raised curtain of challenges for our co-founders. Concerns regarding safe-to-drink water were usually mentioned.
With a sufficient personal saving and firm supports, our co-founders decided to start with a family-style business that provided services related to water-purifier products, water treatment and other water-cleaning product. Ten years later, the company has transformed into a medium-size operator.
Since the first year of business, Peng Seng Doctor Water has capacity and knowledge to provide services in every city and province in Cambodia.
Our work ethic ensures that the majority of our clients are return clients and word-of-mouth clients. We also include round-the-clock product consultation and maintenance. As of now, we have supplied: households, agricultural lands, medium-size restaurants, and water-producer industry.
Our sevices:
- Install Drinking Water System for Industries and household.
- Receive made in order all kinds of Water Treatment.
- Water Testing Service
- Receive made in order all kinds of plastic
- Changing chemical water treatment service